Canadian Beretta Cup – Olympic Skeet Shooting Competition – ONTARIO
Stittsville Shooting Range 7265 Fernbank Rd., Stittsville, Ontario, CanadaCanadian Beretta Cup - Olympic Skeet Shooting Competition: PART 1 - ONTARIO
Canadian Beretta Cup - Olympic Skeet Shooting Competition: PART 1 - ONTARIO
June 17th 2023 – First shots fired at 9am, finishing at 5:30pm
We will have a 20-yard field archery tournament for archers of all ages. Top three scores of each class will be awarded pins and certificates.
There will also be a Bionic Big Game Shoot, participants by in with an arrow and you shoot until you either miss the vitals window or you blow-up the arrow. All participants will automatically be entered into the many raffles and extra bonuses from Shooter’s Choice to come.
There will be a 50-bird trap event, with the top three scores from each class being awarded pins and certificates. Registration forms available in the Bow Shop, The Gun Room and at Bridgeport Rod and Gun. Registrations to be paid at Shooter’s Choice.
*** For more information please contact Shooter’s Choice at 519-746-8139 or email at ***
Canadian Beretta Cup - Olympic Skeet Shooting Competition: PART 2 - Quebec
Beretta Cup 2024 - Press Release
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